This dataset contains a collection of summary and QC metrics from four publicly available 10x Genomics single cell gene expression datasets:
A data frame with 27,597 rows and 15 variables:
sample name, one of four values; GBM (glioblastoma), HL (Hodgkin's lymphoma), MB (mouse brain) and PBMC (peripheral blood mononuclear cells)
the 16 nucleotide cell barcode e.g. AAACCCAAGGCGATAC-1
UMAP coordinates 1, for visualisation
UMAP coordinates 2, for visualisation
cell clusters identified with the Louvain algorithm using default parameters implemented in the Seurat package
a very rough cell type annotation
the number of UMIs detected
log10 of the number of UMIs detected
percentage of UMIs mapping to mitochondrial genes
the log-probability of observing the cell's count vector under the null model - from DropletUtils::emptyDrops output
the Monte Carlo p-value against the null model - from DropletUtils::emptyDrops output
FDR values returned from DropletUtils::emptyDrops output
nuclear fraction metric calculated with DropletQC
nuclear fraction metric calculated using the output from velocyto
assigned cell status, taking one of three values; cell, damaged_cell, empty_droplet
Human Glioblastoma Multiforme: 3’v3 Whole Transcriptome Analysis
Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Dissociated Tumor: Whole Transcriptome Analysis
10k Mouse E18 Combined Cortex, Hippocampus and Subventricular Zone Cells, Dual Indexed
PBMCs from a Healthy Donor: Whole Transcriptome Analysis
To be included in the dataset, cells were required to pass DropletUtils::emptyDrops using the default FDR threshold of 1 and have a maximum of 15 mitochondrial gene content. The included variables are as follows: