6 Hierarchical scPred classification

Cell type classification using the Hierarchical scPred method can be performed using the map_hierscpred.R module.

Note: If both azimuth and hierarchical are used for cell type annotation, please use the output RDS files generated with map_azimuth.R as the input for map_hierscpred.R (or viceversa) to guarantee classification labels are appended to the same files and no Seurat object is unnecessarily duplicated. This is also a requirement for the remaining part of the pipeline

Let’s create an output directory to store the results.

mkdir step3_hierscpred

And check the input arguments

singularity exec -B $PWD cell_classification.sif \ 
  Rscript /map_hierscpred.R --help
Usage: map_hierscpred.R [options]

                RDS object file name

                Batch column. If provided, each group in from the batch columns is mapped to reference independently

                Threshold for rejection. By default no rejection is implemented

                Maximum number or Harmony iterations

                Strategy to resolve future [default= sequential]:

                Number of workers used for parallelization
                [default= 1]

                Maximum allowed total size (in GB) of global variables identified
                [default= Inf]

                Output file name [default= hier_scpred]

                Output path to store results [default= .]

        -h, --help
                Show this help message and exit

Further data splitting and classification can be performed within map_hierscpred.R via the future package, however, we’ll classify cells for each of the partitions we already created.

Let’s assume we have already classified cells using the azimuth approach. We can use the output Seurat .RDS files as as input for hierchical scPred as follows:

for i in $(ls step2_azimuth | grep ".RDS");
  out=$(echo $i | awk 'gsub(".RDS", "")')
  Rscript /map_hierscpred.R --file step2_azimuth/${i} --path step3_hierscpred --out ${out}

Similar to map_azimuth.R, map_hierscpred.R will return a Seurat object including:

  • Cell type classification (scpred_prediction) as a column in the metadata

6.1 Parallelize classification

6.1.1 SGE example

The following array job code in SGE (Sun Grid Engine) can be used as a guide to classify each pool in individual jobs. This code snippet was used to classify multiple Seurat objects (75 pools) from the OneK1K dataset.

#$ -N clasify_cells
#$ -q short.q
#$ -l mem_requested=50G
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -r yes
#$ -cwd 
#$ -o results/2021-11-19_hier_scpred
#$ -e results/2021-11-19_hier_scpred

# mkdir results/2021-11-19_hier_scpred


# Set environmental variables

# Get job info

# Get basefile name
files=($(ls ${input} | grep ".RDS"))

filename=$(echo $filename | sed 's/.RDS//')

echo "Running for: $filename"

# Run main command
singularity exec -B $SGE_O_WORKDIR bin/cell_classification.sif \
  Rscript /map_hierscpred.R \
  --file ${input}/${filename}.RDS \
  --out ${filename}_out \
  --path ${output}

If we save the previous code into a file (e.g. run_hierscpred.sh), we can launch an array job iterating for each pool name

qsub -t 1-75 bin/run_hierscpred.sh
# -t Vector of length equal to the number of pools (.RDS files)

6.1.2 SLURM

Likewise, we can run the same code using a SLURM scheduler as follows:

#SBATCH -J hierscpred
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00 
#SBATCH --mem=10GB
#SBATCH --error=job.%J.err
#SBATCH --output=job.%J.out
#SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL
#SBATCH --mail-user=l.c.m.michielsen@lumc.nl

# Clear the environment from any previously loaded modules
module purge 
module add container/singularity/3.7.3/gcc.8.3.1

# Set environmental variables

# Get job info
echo "Starting at `date`"

# Get basefile name
files=($(ls ${input} | grep ".RDS"))

filename=$(echo $filename | sed 's/.RDS//')

echo "Classifying: $filename"

# Run main command
singularity exec -B $PWD cell_classification.sif \
  Rscript /map_hierscpred.R \
  --file ${input}/${filename}.RDS \
  --out ${filename}_out \
  --path ${output}

If we save the previous code into a file (e.g. run_hierscpred.sbatch), we can launch an array job iterating for each batch

sbatch -a 0-30 run_hierscpred.sbatch
# -a Vector of length equal to the number .RDS files